
A first order ordinary differential equation grapher. Built in Godot.

Equation Syntax

Write the equation in the same form as you would in C# coding language. y’=sqrt(x) + exp(x) is equivalent to [y’=\sqrt x + e^x] Parenthesis are necessary when applying functions to numbers and variables AND for specifying order of operations. y=2x�′=2� (INCORRECT SYNTAXy=2x�′=2∗� (PROPER SYNTAX)

  • ++ Add
  •  Subtract
  •  Multiply
  • // Divide

The list of all functions and their syntaxes are below.


exp (a)

Raises the given number to the e-power. [e^a]

sqrt (a)

Takes the square root of the given number. [\sqrt a]

pow (a, b)

Raises a to the b-th power. [a^b]

ln (a)

Calculates the natural logarithm of a (log base e). [ln(a)]

log (a)

Calculates the base 10 logarithm of a. [log_{10}(a)]

log (a, b)

Calculates the base b logarithm of a. [log_b(a)]

cos (a)

Calculates the cosine of angle a. [cos(a)]

sin (a)

Calculates the sine of angle a [sin(a)]


Calculates the tangent of angle a [tan(a)]

atan (a)

Calculates the inverse tangent of a [atan(a)]

acos (a)

Calculates the inverse cosine of a [acos(a)]

asin (a)

Calculates the inverse sine of a [asin(a)]

tanh (a)

Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of a [tanh(a)]

cosh (a)

Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of a [cosh(a)]

sinh (a)

Calculates the hyperbolic sine of [sinh(a)]

abs (a)

Gives the absolute value of a [|a|]

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